Cash Winners

September 2020 100 Club Result

Hi 100 Club Members, the Band Website is where the 100 Club results will be posted from now on every month. We will video every one and send you a link by email – for the time being these will done over the Band’s regular Zoom meeting (so sorry about the quality of these – it’s out of our hands). Once the band is back in the bandroom we will record the draw at a Read more…

Covid-19 topping the band from playing together

Coronavirus Restriction

Covid-19 News and Challenges the Band faces.. [ditty_news_ticker id=”997″] Signup for instant updates via email as soon as the Country gets enough people vaccinated and the situation changes changes for the better so we can get back playing in public again – CLICK HERE

Donate to Wingates Band for FREE. Simply get the Easy Fundraising Plugin in your browser and help a Famous Band survive!

Fund raise for Wingates Band by DOING YOUR NORMAL SHOPPING!

Hi there and thanks for visiting. Did you know no that you could help support Wingates Band with absolutely no effort apart from doing the shopping that you would normally do online AND you still shop at your favourite online stores (Sainsbury’s, Carphone Warehouse, John Lewis, JET2 etc.) and all that happens is when you do do they will then make a donation to Wingates Band which is always going to help us buy new Read more…

Wingates Band Plays Queen at Salesbury St Peter's Church

A Great Concert in Salesbury!

Wingates Band had a great concert last night (7th) in St Peter’s Church Salesbury. The church was packed out with a very enthusiastic audience and they were treated to what amounted to a history of music starting off with the very traditional march “Wingates” followed by an overture based on the New World Symphony. The program continued through various music genres including some religeous themed and then Musicals and Jazz and finishing up with some Read more…

Wingates at the UK Band of the year contest

UK Band Of The Year in Bolton

We are very pleased to announce that Wingates Band has been invited to play in the UK band of the Year competition sponsored by Brass Pass – the specialist brass band streaming service. WE HAVE BEEN DRAWN NUMBER 10! – Click below to see the draw: The performances will be streamed live over the internet and people all over the world will be able to watch. Here are the details that we have so Read more…

Wingates Brass Band

We Came 4th!

The band put an awful lot of work in in and arrived in Blackpool on the 23rd of February ready to put on a good performance and feeling quite confident. Then during the pre contest rehearsal we got the draw result. We had been drawn NUMBER ONE!!! There are obviously plusses and minuses to this. An obvious plus is that we didn’t need to hang around all day waiting to play but the slight minus Read more…

New Option to Sample CDs is coming soon!

I have incorporated a script so that visitors can hear excerpts from our CDs before deciding to buy. I’m also going to make available digital downloads of the CDs which, with the saving in the materials and postage etc. can be a little cheaper for our loyal visitors and Fans. Below you can see how the layout will look. The three songs already there Will play (truncated versions) and the link to the shop is Read more…